Code of Ethics
We work following clear and shared principles, values and responsibilities.
At Tangible, we have been defining our values and principles since 2014.. We discuss them using the means that we know, our design tools. This is how we have designed and keep evolving our structure and processes.
Integrity, legality, fairness, multiculturality, mutualism, sustainability, dialogue and continuous improvement are at the heart of our organisation and at the core of the projects we work on for our clients.
Aside from the obligations under laws and regulations, these values and principles represent the ethics of our approach, which we respect and consider a primary pillar of our actions, our reputation and of the relationships we hold with our stakeholders. For these reasons, we have set this Code of Ethics (or Code), in which we have brought together all of Tangible’s values and responsibilities. For us, this document is also a guide, it acts like a compass guiding our future behaviour through inner and outer complexity.

Impact ownership
Impact managers at Tangible are responsible for promoting knowledge, dissemination, updating and ensuring interpretation and implementation of the provisions of the Code. They receive reports of violations assessing whether or not a procedure can be initiated. Tangible ensures the verification of each received report about violation of the Code, according to the modalities and channels described in the Code itself and in the Playbook.
You can send us an anonymous and private enquiry about our company policies, or you can ask a question about ethics and compliance (italian only).
You can send us a confidential report about a content included in the Code or a non-compliant behaviour of one or more addressees of the Code (italian only).
Humane-centered and driven by values
We design services and products so that they positively impact business, people and environment at large (both social and natural). We look to partner with clients that care about Profit, People and Planet.
Talking about desirable futures and designing for that purpose is not just marketing for us, but a formal commitment.
Committed by charter
In our company’s charter we stated our goals in terms of profit and collective good, in order to positively impact society and nature.
Transparent and open
We collect our internal best practices and make that knowledge available and open, sharing how our company operates not just within our team.